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carry out research on

release time:2020-02-28 source:fiocco click:295

on the morning of february 28, wo yongte, executive deputy head of yinzhou district, led the relevant leaders of the district government office, the district development and reform bureau, the district finance office and the district commerce bureau to fiocco group to carry out the research on the national innovation and entrepreneurship support platform "team solving problems and three services helping to resume production", so as to help the national innovation and entrepreneurship platform solve the problems encountered in the resumption of work and production. shi yun, chairman of fiocco group, and other relevant leaders of fiocco group received and introduced the situation.

shi dong introduced that, as a key production conversion enterprise of emergency epidemic prevention materials in ningbo, fiocco group suspended its foreign trade orders on hand, opened the "accelerator" for the production of emergency epidemic prevention materials, and all staff turned on full horsepower and worked overtime to produce civilian masks and medical class i isolation clothes. the masks produced are uniformly allocated by the municipal government. in addition to supplying relevant demand units, some of the isolation clothes produced will be donated to the medical staff of the anti epidemic front line in ningbo free of charge.
as a national innovation and entrepreneurship support platform, fiocco group reduced the office rent of yesgo valley platform enterprises for one month and the rent of the group's talent apartment for one month at the first time. with practical actions, fiocco group reduced the operating burden of various small and micro enterprises in the park, and reduced the rent of more than 1 million yuan for platform enterprises.
at the same time, fiocco group has held various forms of discussions with more than 30 enterprises that have started on the platform to listen to the demands of enterprises and hope to bring small with large. in addition to accurately "irrigate" the government's preferential foreign trade policies to the platform enterprises through the platform, fiocco group also provides them with policy consultation, financing guarantee, working capital support and other assistance, in order to tide over the difficulties with the platform enterprises.

the mayor of wo district praised fiocco group for its responsibility of sparing no effort to produce emergency epidemic prevention materials regardless of losses in extraordinary times, and fully affirmed the group's good deeds of supporting small and medium-sized and micro enterprises of the platform to tide over the difficulties in times of crisis.
he said that as a national innovation and entrepreneurship support platform, fiocco yesgo valley released the strong positive energy of uniting with platform enterprises to fight the epidemic, unite and cooperate for win-win results, highlighting the due social responsibility and corporate responsibility of enterprises.

at the same time, some policy suggestions put forward by the enterprise in the prevention and control of the epidemic and the transformation of production will be fed back to the relevant municipal departments to help the enterprise solve its worries.
